The brainstorming process represents one of the crucial stages in the creative process in conceptual design. During this stage, the goal is to generate as many ideas as possible, leaving aside judgments and restrictions.
Some brainstorming methods you can use to stimulate your creativity and develop a good concept design:
1. Individual brainstorming: through this technique, you will work alone to generate ideas. Take a pen and paper or open a digital document and freely jot down all the ideas that come to your mind, without filtering them. Let the ideas flow freely, without worrying about their initial feasibility. You might start with 3 key words and develop them into a series of associations. Eventually you will have created a kind of network of different words and meanings, the result of your mental freedom in connecting different concepts.
2. Group brainstorming: in this technique, a group of professionals work together to generate ideas. During this session, each person has the opportunity to share their ideas and receive feedback from the other participants. Group brainstorming encourages a greater diversity of perspectives and more innovative solutions. Involve outside collaborators to get a fresh, objective and creative perspective on your project.
3. Brainwriting: based on writing, each participant jots down his or her ideas on a piece of paper and passes it to the colleague next to him or her. The latter reads the written ideas and uses them as a basis for generating new ideas. This cycle continues until everyone has had a chance to contribute. This method promotes interesting interaction between different ideas that take unexpected directions, enhancing creativity.