The relationship between form and light is a topic of fundamental importance in the technical and artistic field. It is a union that interweaves material and immaterial elements. When light strikes objects, it reveals their form, creating an interaction beyond mere visual perception. In the absence of matter, light becomes pure light emanation, an entity that lives a life of its own.
A multisensory experience
Form perception is not limited to sight; it also involves the auditory, tactile, and olfactory faculties. Although the human sense of smell is less developed than in other species, its presence enriches the sensory experience. Critics have built an impressive theoretical scaffolding around these arts, exploring how different forms of matter-such as marble respond to natural and artificial light sources.
Marble and glass: An excellent pairing
Marble, a noble material from nature, and glass, produced by human artifice, are the focus of this investigation. Both materials, which are considered cold, react in fascinating ways to light. The temperature of the light influences their aesthetic dimension, creating an indissoluble bond that spans epochs and cultures.
Light as screen and protagonist
The objective is to make light pass through matter, using it as a screen that separates the light source from the observer, illuminating everyday actions in our environments. Architecture, painting, sculpture, literature, and music: all these disciplines refer to a specific light, shaping it through matter. Each culture has developed its conception of light, with variations that manifest themselves in the cycle of seasons and hours.
The dual nature of light
Light has a dual nature: natural light and artificial light. While natural light follows its course, relentlessly shifting shadows, artificial light can achieve unimaginable stability and conditions, illuminating the spaces of modernity in such a way that its absence becomes almost unimaginable.
A journey through time
In the field of architecture and sculpture, the combination of light and marble represents a design quest that spans millennia. From the ancient techniques of the Greeks and Romans to the innovations of the Renaissance and Baroque, the dialogue between light and material is constantly evolving. Each era brings with it variations that reflect the expectations and aspirations of the time, testifying to a continuous exploration of the expressive power of light.
In conclusion, the relationship between form and light is a theme of unquestionable relevance, capable of crossing the barriers of time and space. It not only defines the aesthetics of works of art but also enriches our everyday experience, inviting us to see the world in a new light.